




这个地理知识科普频道是由 Minute Physics 原创团队于2011年底创办的,其视频内容包括了地球及生命科学——地理学、生物学、生态学和人类学等




├─ 第201集-333集
│ ├─ 333. Where The Weird Things Are.mkv [23.57MB]
│ ├─ 332. Why Did It Take Us So Long_.mkv [16.74MB]
│ ├─ 331. Eclipses Used To Be Terrifying.mkv [13.40MB]
│ ├─ 330. Apparently tree FINGERPRINTS are a thing.mkv [11.96MB]
│ ├─ 329. How eclipses proved that the Earth is slowing down.mkv [12.91MB]
│ ├─ 328. Why Do Weeping Willows Weep_.mkv [7.98MB]
│ ├─ 327. This Chemical Does Nothing, But It's Still Bad For You.mkv [15.96MB]
│ ├─ 326. Is Bigger Better_.mkv [7.91MB]
│ ├─ 325. The WEIRD Way Monkeys Got to America.mkv [11.35MB]
│ ├─ 324. In The Future, Death Will Be Different.mkv [9.79MB]
│ ├─ 323. Why Do People Hate Koalas_.mkv [11.35MB]
│ ├─ 322. Why Are They All In Antarctica_.mkv [11.67MB]
│ ├─ 321. Should More Species Be Extinct_.mkv [31.31MB]
│ ├─ 320. These Countries Are Cheating.mkv [8.23MB]
│ ├─ 319. How Fish Get Away With Being Colorful.mkv [10.09MB]
│ ├─ 318. Why Most Fossils Are Incomplete.mkv [15.05MB]
│ ├─ 317. Ancient Humans Made Millions Of These - We Don’t Know Why.mkv [7.38MB]
│ ├─ 316. Why We Haven’t Learned More In 101 Years Of Trying.mkv [12.26MB]
│ ├─ 315. This Is Not A Bug.mkv [10.87MB]
│ ├─ 314. How Caffeine Accidentally Took Over The World.mkv [20.49MB]
│ ├─ 313. Is Pregnancy A Disease_.mkv [15.28MB]
│ ├─ 312. You Can’t Actually Die Of Old Age.mkv [8.72MB]
│ ├─ 311. The Weird Sex Lives of Bluegills.mkv [8.86MB]
│ ├─ 310. The Disease You Will Never Survive.mkv [16.21MB]
│ ├─ 309. Why Do Heart Attacks Cause _Arm_ Pain_.mkv [16.78MB]
│ ├─ 308. What Is The Best Shape For A Farm_.mkv [21.10MB]
│ ├─ 307. When Was The Worst Time In History To Die_.mkv [11.61MB]
│ ├─ 306. The 3 Reasons This Tree Has Lived 5000 Years.mkv [8.65MB]
│ ├─ 305. Why It's Impossible To Win a Nuclear War.mkv [17.97MB]
│ ├─ 304. When Tree Planting Goes Wrong.mkv [11.61MB]
│ ├─ 303. Which Is Worse - Underpopulation Or Overpopulation_.mkv [6.78MB]
│ ├─ 302. What if We Replaced Nuclear With Potatoes.mkv [8.24MB]
│ ├─ 301. How We Learned That Water Isn't An Element.mkv [16.18MB]
│ ├─ 300. There’s No Such Thing As “Warm-” Or “Cold-” Blooded.mkv [15.34MB]
│ ├─ 299. Mushroom Wars.mkv [10.63MB]
│ ├─ 298. The Couch Candy Protocol.mkv [7.88MB]
│ ├─ 297. The Plant You Don’t Have To Water.mkv [9.11MB]
│ ├─ 296. We Have No Idea Why.mkv [19.92MB]
│ ├─ 295. When 90dB is LOUDER than 120dB.mkv [10.92MB]
│ ├─ 294. Why Weather Forecasts Suck.mkv [16.10MB]
│ ├─ 293. What Happens When A Volcano Meets a Glacier_.mkv [11.08MB]
│ ├─ 292. MinuteEarth Explains - Birds.mkv [64.47MB]
│ ├─ 291. How Do Abortion Pills Work_.mkv [6.50MB]
│ ├─ 290. Why Continents Are High.mkv [13.96MB]
│ ├─ 289. Our Lungs Have A Fatal Flaw.mkv [17.75MB]
│ ├─ 288. Vampire Life is Hard.mkv [7.73MB]
│ ├─ 287. Do Other Diseases Have 'Long' Versions_.mkv [7.26MB]
│ ├─ 286. The Actual Reason Men Die First.mkv [12.98MB]
│ ├─ 285. Why Is There So Much Land In The North_.mkv [9.50MB]
│ ├─ 284. Truth Decay.mkv [18.08MB]
│ ├─ 283. The Super Secrets of Sewage.mkv [14.59MB]
│ ├─ 282. Why Does Nature Have Redundant Copies_.mkv [14.60MB]
│ ├─ 281. Where Will The Next Pandemic Come From_.mkv [10.05MB]
│ ├─ 280. Our BIG Secret….mkv [12.98MB]
│ ├─ 279. Why Water Dissolves (Almost) Everything.mkv [7.66MB]
│ ├─ 278. An Egg Is Just One Cell.mkv [8.90MB]
│ ├─ 277. Screens are NOT the reason kids need glasses.mkv [4.78MB]
│ ├─ 276. The Freshwater Paradox.mkv [6.73MB]
│ ├─ 275. Why Do Humans Vomit So Much.mkv [9.44MB]
│ ├─ 274. Is Soil Alive_.mkv [10.72MB]
│ ├─ 273. Bitcoin mining is a lot like reindeer mating.mkv [15.79MB]
│ ├─ 272. The Cheapest Way To Save A Life.mkv [8.08MB]
│ ├─ 271. Which is Worse_.mkv [9.27MB]
│ ├─ 270. Why The Weather Is Worse At The Mall.mkv [12.40MB]
│ ├─ 269. Why The Ocean Needs Salt.mkv [15.46MB]
│ ├─ 268. The Most Common Allergy In The World.mkv [9.72MB]
│ ├─ 267. Why The Shortest Day Of The Year Isn't The Coldest.mkv [10.29MB]
│ ├─ 266. The Plankton Paradox.mkv [10.58MB]
│ ├─ 265. How Birds Fooled Military Radar.mkv [19.70MB]
│ ├─ 264. Why Some Fruits Won’t Ripen On Your Counter.mkv [26.46MB]
│ ├─ 263. Hyena Butter - Everything You Did And Didn't Want To Know.mkv [5.66MB]
│ ├─ 262. The Hurricane Category Scale Is Broken.mkv [19.43MB]
│ ├─ 261. How To Solve Every Global Crisis.mkv [11.38MB]
│ ├─ 260. The Place Where Time Flows Backwards.mkv [10.54MB]
│ ├─ 259. The Science of Hobbit Gluttony.mkv [12.54MB]
│ ├─ 258. Why Sharks Are Covered In Teeth.mkv [11.86MB]
│ ├─ 257. How A Whale And A Bear Beat The System.mkv [13.10MB]
│ ├─ 256. How To Survive Poison.mkv [6.65MB]
│ ├─ 255. MinuteEarth Explains - How Did Whales Get So Big_ _ Book Trailer.mkv [7.23MB]
│ ├─ 254. Why These Bears “Waste” Food.mkv [13.77MB]
│ ├─ 253. How Fevers REALLY Work.mkv [12.65MB]
│ ├─ 252. How Long Did People Use To Live_.mkv [8.25MB]
│ ├─ 251. We don't know what a tree is (and this video won't tell you).mkv [12.62MB]
│ ├─ 250. Why It's Good To Have A Weak Hand.mkv [11.78MB]
│ ├─ 249. An Unexpected Consequence of COVID.mkv [11.41MB]
│ ├─ 248. The Lost Penis Enigma.mkv [11.29MB]
│ ├─ 247. Why We Faint (When Other Animals Don't).mkv [11.21MB]
│ ├─ 246. How Do Some Waves Get SO Big_.mkv [12.77MB]
│ ├─ 245. The Ecology of Superheroes.mkv [16.06MB]
│ ├─ 244. Proteins - Explained.mkv [23.94MB]
│ ├─ 243. Which Will Kill You First_.mkv [9.75MB]
│ ├─ 242. Why 'Nothing' Matters in Science.mkv [16.02MB]
│ ├─ 241. The Problem With Life Expectancy.mkv [10.72MB]
│ ├─ 240. I found the BEST coronavirus depiction (+ explanation).mkv [37.27MB]
│ ├─ 239. Dogs vs Cats - The Diversity Paradox.mkv [12.55MB]
│ ├─ 238. Four Reasons Our Brains Suck At Pandemics.mkv [9.36MB]
│ ├─ 237. How Firestorms Form.mkv [8.37MB]
│ ├─ 236. Why Most New Species Are Discovered By Amateurs.mkv [12.83MB]
│ ├─ 235. Does It Pay To Cheat_.mkv [8.17MB]
│ ├─ 234. The Plant That’s Full Of Metal.mkv [10.58MB]
│ ├─ 233. 4 Great Science Stories _ MinuteEarth Directors' Picks.mkv [88.80MB]
│ ├─ 232. The Best Pokémon (According to Science).mkv [11.39MB]
│ ├─ 231. Dangerous Marshmallows_!.mkv [10.22MB]
│ ├─ 230. The Science of Roadkill.mkv [9.70MB]
│ ├─ 229. Why Doesn't All Thunder Sound The Same_.mkv [12.08MB]
│ ├─ 228. Can Pregnancy Tests Help Beat COVID-19_.mkv [9.10MB]
│ ├─ 227. Why Hardwoods Are The Softest Woods.mkv [13.56MB]
│ ├─ 226. 15 YouTubers Play The Telephone Game.mkv [60.51MB]
│ ├─ 225. How To Hear Halfway Around The World.mkv [8.49MB]
│ ├─ 224. Why You’re More Likely To Die In Winter.mkv [7.52MB]
│ ├─ 223. Why Does This Shrimp Cost More Than A Car_.mkv [19.66MB]
│ ├─ 222. Why Sewers Around the World Keep Overflowing.mkv [10.74MB]
│ ├─ 221. How To Go Extinct.mkv [26.26MB]
│ ├─ 220. Why People Hate Hyenas.mkv [11.29MB]
│ ├─ 219. Extreme Weather _ MinuteEarth Explains.mkv [65.95MB]
│ ├─ 218. Will Gas Stations Survive_.mkv [9.30MB]
│ ├─ 217. Unintended Consequences _ MinuteEarth Explains.mkv [73.56MB]
│ ├─ 216. _If We Aren't Too Late.mkv [6.22MB]
│ ├─ 215. YouTube Is Misleading You. Help Us Make It Better..mkv [14.54MB]
│ ├─ 214. MinuteEarth Explains - Animal Winners and Losers.mkv [61.74MB]
│ ├─ 213. The Best Worst Energy Source.mkv [7.89MB]
│ ├─ 212. MinuteEarth Explains - Human Evolution.mkv [40.63MB]
│ ├─ 211. Is There A Better Way To Power Airplanes_.mkv [7.28MB]
│ ├─ 210. MinuteEarth Explains - Poop.mkv [55.41MB]
│ ├─ 209. Why You Can't Build A Clone Army... (Yet).mkv [11.59MB]
│ ├─ 208. Why Wolves Don't Chirp.mkv [11.90MB]
│ ├─ 207. MinuteEarth Explains - Space.mkv [60.82MB]
│ ├─ 206. Why Do We STILL Use Lead Pipes_!.mkv [10.33MB]
│ ├─ 205. This Atom Can Predict The Future.mkv [9.14MB]
│ ├─ 204. MinuteEarth Explains - Water.mkv [69.88MB]
│ ├─ 203. The Extinction Happening Inside You.mkv [14.03MB]
│ ├─ 202. MinuteEarth Explains - Stuff That...Isn’t.mkv [49.73MB]
│ ├─ 201. MinuteEarth Explains - Cats vs Dogs.mkv [37.67MB]
├─ 第001集-200集
│ ├─ 200. MinuteEarth Explains - Battle of the Sexes.mkv [62.52MB]
│ ├─ 199. MinuteEarth Explains - Food.mkv [52.77MB]
│ ├─ 198. How to Work From Home as a Team.mkv [18.09MB]
│ ├─ 197. MinuteEarth Explains - Size.mkv [49.00MB]
│ ├─ 196. How To Name A Disease (Like COVID-19).mkv [7.93MB]
│ ├─ 195. Why Don't More Animals Eat Wood_.mkv [12.03MB]
│ ├─ 194. Where Does One Ocean End And Another Begin_.mkv [10.57MB]
│ ├─ 193. How This River Made Chimps Violent.mkv [7.59MB]
│ ├─ 192. The Fastest-Growing Plant In The World.mkv [10.11MB]
│ ├─ 191. How To Turn Poop Into Power.mkv [7.16MB]
│ ├─ 190. You Have More Bones Than You Think.mkv [7.99MB]
│ ├─ 189. Why It’s HARD To Bring A New Apple To Market.mkv [10.69MB]
│ ├─ 188. Nobody Really Knows What A Concussion Is.mkv [9.02MB]
│ ├─ 187. The Great Acceleration.mkv [28.20MB]
│ ├─ 186. Can AI Help Us Identify Animals_.mkv [12.68MB]
│ ├─ 185. Smartphones - A New Model for Energy Efficiency_.mkv [5.89MB]
│ ├─ 184. The Best Dragon (According to Science).mkv [13.21MB]
│ ├─ 183. How Much Air Can A Tree Hold_ #TeamTrees.mkv [7.03MB]
│ ├─ 182. Why Are Adults Bad At New Languages_.mkv [8.62MB]
│ ├─ 181. How The Modern World Tricks Our Bodies Into Hurting Themselves.mkv [8.38MB]
│ ├─ 180. Why Exercise Is Hard.mkv [11.03MB]
│ ├─ 179. The Secret Global Sewer System.mkv [12.42MB]
│ ├─ 178. How We Evolved To Browse The Web.mkv [10.78MB]
│ ├─ 177. Our Best View Of Bacteria Is...From Space_!.mkv [11.19MB]
│ ├─ 176. The Bacteria That Made Life Possible Are Now Killing Us.mkv [9.03MB]
│ ├─ 175. The Cruel Irony Of Air Conditioning.mkv [9.67MB]
│ ├─ 174. Why We Should Invest In Rat Massage.mkv [10.11MB]
│ ├─ 173. Monoclonal Antibodies _ How to Turn Cancer Against Itself.mkv [10.27MB]
│ ├─ 172. This Country Has Something Everyone Else Wants.mkv [8.86MB]
│ ├─ 171. The Secrets of Extreme Breath Holding.mkv [8.11MB]
│ ├─ 170. Why Is Lyme Disease Getting Worse_.mkv [7.51MB]
│ ├─ 169. Why Can't We Get Power From Waves_.mkv [11.23MB]
│ ├─ 168. You Are A Fish.mkv [7.23MB]
│ ├─ 167. The Problem With Concrete.mkv [22.11MB]
│ ├─ 166. Why Earthquakes Are So Hard To Predict.mkv [8.33MB]
│ ├─ 165. Why Are Your Fingerprints Unique_.mkv [15.72MB]
│ ├─ 164. The Bird Poop That Changed The World.mkv [9.19MB]
│ ├─ 163. These Names Can Kill Animals.mkv [12.85MB]
│ ├─ 162. Why Are Fewer People Getting Appendicitis_.mkv [5.39MB]
│ ├─ 161. Why Do You Make So Many Poop Videos_ (& Other Questions).mkv [16.58MB]
│ ├─ 160. The Secret Weapon That Could Help Save Bees.mkv [8.87MB]
│ ├─ 159. Why Malaria Isn’t Just a Tropical Disease.mkv [8.11MB]
│ ├─ 158. Why Do Some Animals Eat Poop_.mkv [9.88MB]
│ ├─ 157. Why Are There Penguins At The Equator_.mkv [8.02MB]
│ ├─ 156. Why Earth Has Two Levels _ Hypsometric Curve.mkv [6.37MB]
│ ├─ 155. The Similarity Trap.mkv [5.83MB]
│ ├─ 154. Rise Of The Mesopredator (ft. ScienceWithTom).mkv [13.18MB]
│ ├─ 153. How Long Can We Live_.mkv [8.64MB]
│ ├─ 152. When Trees Go Nuts.mkv [9.15MB]
│ ├─ 151. Why You Shouldn't Give Ginger To Monkeys (and other animal sayings).mkv [9.24MB]
│ ├─ 150. Milk Is Just Filtered Blood.mkv [7.27MB]
│ ├─ 149. Are Plastics Too Strong_.mkv [12.39MB]
│ ├─ 148. How Much Food Is There On Earth_.mkv [7.53MB]
│ ├─ 147. Introducing Our NEW SHOW - Paradigms.mkv [43.01MB]
│ ├─ 146. Is It Safe To Get Your DNA Tested_.mkv [11.78MB]
│ ├─ 145. Do You Need To Be Rich To Be Healthy_ (ft. Bill Gates).mkv [7.82MB]
│ ├─ 144. Why Electroshock Therapy Is Back.mkv [6.19MB]
│ ├─ 143. Why Our Favorite Crops Live Fast and Die Young.mkv [6.22MB]
│ ├─ 142. A Disease's Guide to World Domination.mkv [8.58MB]
│ ├─ 141. Why Do Birds Migrate Like This_.mkv [6.52MB]
│ ├─ 140. Are 'Acts of God' Disappearing_.mkv [9.47MB]
│ ├─ 139. Why Pets Have Surprisingly Small Brains.mkv [4.74MB]
│ ├─ 138. Why Do Some Animals Get Gigantic_.mkv [9.52MB]
│ ├─ 137. What Are Brain Waves_.mkv [18.51MB]
│ ├─ 136. Why Bird Penises Are So Weird.mkv [9.21MB]
│ ├─ 135. Where Do Our Drugs Come From_.mkv [7.86MB]
│ ├─ 134. Why Do Female Hyenas Have Pseudo-Penises_!.mkv [11.44MB]
│ ├─ 133. Why Farming Is Broken (And Always Has Been).mkv [13.70MB]
│ ├─ 132. Why Is Your Grandma So Short_.mkv [7.16MB]
│ ├─ 131. Why Do India And China Have So Many People_.mkv [8.59MB]
│ ├─ 130. Why Is Syrup Sticky_.mkv [18.34MB]
│ ├─ 129. Our Definition For “Moon” Is Broken (Collab. w_ MinutePhysics).mkv [8.19MB]
│ ├─ 128. UPSIDE-DOWN Rivers On Mars_! (Response to MinutePhysics).mkv [16.33MB]
│ ├─ 127. TRANSPARENT Solar Panels_!.mkv [13.50MB]
│ ├─ 126. Why It Sucks to Be a Male Hyena.mkv [10.43MB]
│ ├─ 125. Invasion Of The Earthworms!.mkv [7.72MB]
│ ├─ 124. Why So Many Meteorites Come From The Same Place.mkv [12.22MB]
│ ├─ 123. What Nuclear Bombs Taught Us About Whales.mkv [17.05MB]
│ ├─ 122. Why Does Wine Make Your Mouth Feel Dry_.mkv [7.43MB]
│ ├─ 121. This Is Not A Bee.mkv [7.35MB]
│ ├─ 120. Why Apple Pie Isn't American.mkv [9.14MB]
│ ├─ 119. Welcome To MinuteEarth.mkv [3.15MB]
│ ├─ 118. Why Most Rain Never Reaches The Ground.mkv [10.85MB]
│ ├─ 117. Why Don't Sled Dogs Ever Get Tired_.mkv [7.80MB]
│ ├─ 116. Why Don’t Sheep Shrink In The Rain_.mkv [9.64MB]
│ ├─ 115. Why Some Molecules Have Evil Twins.mkv [8.75MB]
│ ├─ 114. How Cats Became our Feline Overlords (ft. It's Okay To Be Smart).mkv [9.08MB]
│ ├─ 113. What Makes A Dinosaur_.mkv [15.64MB]
│ ├─ 112. MinuteEarth Needs Your Support.mkv [5.47MB]
│ ├─ 111. Why Is A Group Of Crows Called A “Murder”_.mkv [5.94MB]
│ ├─ 110. Ambergris - Why Perfume Makers Love Constipated Whales.mkv [7.91MB]
│ ├─ 109. Why Are Snakes So Creepy_.mkv [8.34MB]
│ ├─ 108. Why Did T Rex Have Such Tiny Arms_.mkv [7.46MB]
│ ├─ 107. How Physics Saved Two Million Premature Babies.mkv [9.87MB]
│ ├─ 106. Why Is Poop Brown And Pee Yellow_.mkv [6.14MB]
│ ├─ 105. Should We Grow Human Organs In Pigs_.mkv [6.86MB]
│ ├─ 104. Why Don't Americans Eat Reindeer_.mkv [8.29MB]
│ ├─ 103. These tiny shells know how much ice there is on Earth.mkv [16.76MB]
│ ├─ 102. How Humans Made Malaria So Deadly.mkv [15.22MB]
│ ├─ 101. Why Only Some Monkeys Have Awesome Tails.mkv [6.94MB]
│ ├─ 100. Why Are There So Many Tigers In Texas_.mkv [10.06MB]
│ ├─ 099. Why Do Animals Eat Their Babies_.mkv [8.24MB]
│ ├─ 098. Why Biodiversity Is Good For The Economy.mkv [13.78MB]
│ ├─ 097. How Different Are Different Types of Dogs_.mkv [15.44MB]
│ ├─ 096. Which Parts Of The Brain Do What_.mkv [14.39MB]
│ ├─ 095. The Faint Young Sun Paradox!.mkv [8.01MB]
│ ├─ 094. Why Can't Mules Have Babies_.mkv [9.08MB]
│ ├─ 093. How To (Literally) Save Earth.mkv [9.87MB]
│ ├─ 092. Can Math Explain How Animals Get Their Patterns_.mkv [11.39MB]
│ ├─ 091. Null Island - The Busiest Place That Doesn't Exist.mkv [9.00MB]
│ ├─ 090. Which Bear Is Best_.mkv [7.49MB]
│ ├─ 089. Would You Drink Water Made From Sewage_.mkv [8.59MB]
│ ├─ 088. The Basics Of Digital Illustration.mkv [26.64MB]
│ ├─ 087. Orchids - The Masters Of Lying, Cheating & Stealing.mkv [12.79MB]
│ ├─ 086. How We Make MinuteEarth Videos (Behind the Scenes).mkv [65.24MB]
│ ├─ 085. Why We Sucked At Counting Fish (Until Now).mkv [9.30MB]
│ ├─ 084. This Video Has Consumed 1874532.5 AA Batteries!.mkv [9.09MB]
│ ├─ 083. The Mystery Of Asparagus Pee.mkv [9.68MB]
│ ├─ 082. Should We Contact Uncontacted Peoples_.mkv [11.06MB]
│ ├─ 081. The Deadliest Ice Age Ever.mkv [8.21MB]
│ ├─ 080. Who Are Flowers Trying To Seduce_.mkv [8.41MB]
│ ├─ 079. How Much Does Meat Actually Cost_.mkv [8.54MB]
│ ├─ 078. How Mushrooms Make It Rain.mkv [5.04MB]
│ ├─ 077. Males vs. Females - Sexual Conflict.mkv [8.52MB]
│ ├─ 076. Which Fish Did We Evolve From_.mkv [7.27MB]
│ ├─ 075. How Many Mass Extinctions Have There Been_.mkv [8.75MB]
│ ├─ 074. DemDebate Secret Video - What The U.S. Promised In Paris.mkv [17.79MB]
│ ├─ 073. America's Energy Future - MinuteEarth At The DemDebate.mkv [55.64MB]
│ ├─ 072. This Is Not A Pine Tree.mkv [28.40MB]
│ ├─ 071. Why Do Rivers Have Deltas_.mkv [5.93MB]
│ ├─ 070. Climate Change - The View From MinuteEarth _ #OursToLose.mkv [7.73MB]
│ ├─ 069. Epigenetics - Why Inheritance Is Weirder Than We Thought.mkv [6.63MB]
│ ├─ 068. How To Avoid The Next Atlantis.mkv [12.08MB]
│ ├─ 067. The Real Reason Leaves Change Color In the Fall.mkv [12.53MB]
│ ├─ 066. How Risky Are Vaccines_.mkv [6.75MB]
│ ├─ 065. How Fighting Wildfires Makes Them Worse.mkv [12.71MB]
│ ├─ 064. We're Oversalting Our Food, And It's Not What You Think.mkv [34.36MB]
│ ├─ 063. Why Are There Dangerous Ingredients In Vaccines_.mkv [4.88MB]
│ ├─ 062. Do We Have to Get Old and Die_.mkv [9.76MB]
│ ├─ 061. Is Climate Change Just A Lot Of Hot Air_.mkv [26.50MB]
│ ├─ 060. Are We Really 99%% Chimp_.mkv [9.95MB]
│ ├─ 059. How Do Greenhouse Gases Actually Work_.mkv [14.82MB]
│ ├─ 058. Rain's Dirty Little Secret.mkv [8.33MB]
│ ├─ 057. Should We Let Pandas Go Extinct_.mkv [14.62MB]
│ ├─ 056. Why Are There Clouds_.mkv [10.70MB]
│ ├─ 055. Why Don't Scavengers Get Sick_.mkv [16.16MB]
│ ├─ 054. Why do Some Species Thrive in Cities_.mkv [9.75MB]
│ ├─ 053. Tidal Locking _ Why Do We Only See One Side of the Moon_.mkv [6.09MB]
│ ├─ 052. This Is Your Brain On Extreme Weather.mkv [7.51MB]
│ ├─ 051. Why Poor Places Are More Diverse.mkv [17.66MB]
│ ├─ 050. Plate Tectonics Explained.mkv [5.55MB]
│ ├─ 049. MinuteEarth Patreon Announcement + Tshirts.mkv [11.24MB]
│ ├─ 048. Why Do We Eat Spoiled Food_.mkv [11.48MB]
│ ├─ 047. Why Do Rivers Curve_.mkv [16.22MB]
│ ├─ 046. How two butterflies became one.mkv [14.49MB]
│ ├─ 045. Five Crazy Bridges for Animals.mkv [14.03MB]
│ ├─ 044. How to Keep Elephants and Wolves Out of Your Yard.mkv [9.83MB]
│ ├─ 043. Why Do We Have More Boys Than Girls_.mkv [10.27MB]
│ ├─ 042. How to Build a Better City.mkv [5.50MB]
│ ├─ 041. Why Do Bats Carry So Many Diseases_ (like Coronavirus).mkv [7.34MB]
│ ├─ 040. Why is it Hot Underground_.mkv [5.38MB]
│ ├─ 039. The Secret Social Life of Plants.mkv [10.95MB]
│ ├─ 038. Invasion of the Yellow Crazy Ants!.mkv [9.84MB]
│ ├─ 037. Ocean Confetti!.mkv [8.77MB]
│ ├─ 036. How To Date A Planet.mkv [5.57MB]
│ ├─ 035. Love Letter to Food.mkv [47.70MB]
│ ├─ 034. Poop Transplants!.mkv [7.45MB]
│ ├─ 033. Are any Animals Truly Monogamous_.mkv [7.94MB]
│ ├─ 032. Where Did Earth's Water Come From_.mkv [7.46MB]
│ ├─ 031. How do Trees Survive Winter_.mkv [10.51MB]
│ ├─ 030. How Your Dog Can Protect You Before You're Born.mkv [6.58MB]
│ ├─ 029. Birds that Hibernate in Lakes_!.mkv [6.36MB]
│ ├─ 028. What Happened To This Car_.mkv [27.71MB]
│ ├─ 027. How to Make a Seashell - Just Add Water!.mkv [7.50MB]
│ ├─ 026. Why is All Sand the Same_.mkv [6.42MB]
│ ├─ 025. How Our Honey is Made (& Subbable announcement).mkv [7.54MB]
│ ├─ 024. What is Skin For_.mkv [7.23MB]
│ ├─ 023. Which Came First — the Rain or Rainforests_.mkv [7.79MB]
│ ├─ 022. The One That Got Away (Size Matters).mkv [6.83MB]
│ ├─ 021. The Biggest Organism on Earth.mkv [8.58MB]
│ ├─ 020. How to Survive a Lightning Strike.mkv [4.75MB]
│ ├─ 019. Denizens of the Deep.mkv [5.97MB]
│ ├─ 018. Trash vs. Garbage.mkv [5.72MB]
│ ├─ 017. Garbage Doesn't Lie.mkv [8.34MB]
│ ├─ 016. The Hottest Place on Earth.mkv [13.13MB]
│ ├─ 015. The Great North American Locust Plague.mkv [14.87MB]
│ ├─ 014. Do Fetuses Poop_.mkv [6.16MB]
│ ├─ 013. How the little guy can compete against the big guy.mkv [6.25MB]
│ ├─ 012. Left vs Right.mkv [9.92MB]
│ ├─ 011. Our Atmosphere is Escaping!.mkv [8.90MB]
│ ├─ 010. 400 Parts in a Million - The World's Biggest Experiment.mkv [8.00MB]
│ ├─ 009. What is Freezer Burn_.mkv [7.35MB]
│ ├─ 008. The Story of Frozen Food.mkv [17.50MB]
│ ├─ 007. Earth at Day.mkv [9.11MB]
│ ├─ 006. The Return of the Bedbugs - They Won't Go Away.mkv [8.76MB]
│ ├─ 005. Why Does Earth Have Deserts_.mkv [9.62MB]
│ ├─ 004. How Tall Can Mountains Be_.mkv [8.41MB]
│ ├─ 003. Why Are Leaves Green_ Part 2.mkv [10.83MB]
│ ├─ 002. Why Are Leaves Green_ Part 1.mkv [12.42MB]
│ ├─ 001. MinuteEarth - The Story of Our Planet.mkv [12.55MB]

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